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IConTES2023 conference fulltexts indexed by Scopus

The conference fulltexts of the IConTES 2023 conference published in EPSTEM journal were indexed by Scopus.The fulltext of the conference  can be found in the Scopus database by searching for conference or journal name. https://www.scopus.com/free...


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Scopus Indexed Conferences

Proceedings of the  following conferences organized by International Society for Research in Education and Science (ISRES) are indexed by SCOPUS. - International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science (IConTES) - www...


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Book Chapter Invitation

Dear Colleague, We would like to invite you to write a chapter in the book series "Current Studies in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology" published annually by ISRES Publishing.  The publication of the book chapter is free of charge for thos...


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Gaziantep University
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